Welcome to
Break the Silence on Violence
The Marion County Children’s Alliance, under the direction of its Board of Directors, hired a family violence prevention coordinator in 2005 in an effort to undertake the challenges of addressing the impact of domestic violence in Marion County and to serve as chair of the Family Violence Prevention workgroup, aka a domestic violence taskforce. The Workgroup consists of representatives from a variety of social services, non-profit and for-profit agencies, businesses and community members.
Our Mission
To end family violence in Marion County, Florida by coordinating community resources and services to assist families in crisis. We organize activities that increase public awareness through education, training and collaborations with individuals, community leaders, public and private organizations.
Our Focus
- Improving communication among agencies, organizations and individuals involved in prevention.
- Educating all segments of the population on relevant facts.
- Improving the delivery of services to victims and survivors .
- Providing emergency resources and services to victims and survivors.

Our Initiatives
Community events to raise awareness.

Night of Hope 2021
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Time: 5:30 p.m. to 8:00
Tickets: $35
College of Central Florida - Klein Center
A special evening to honor victims and survivors of domestic violence. Dinner-Music-Giveaways-Survivor Testimonies

Wear Your Wings Virtual DV Walk 2020
Run/Walk or choose your activity and complete your 5K(3.1 miles) Anytime between Oct 1 and Oct. 9 and submit your time by Oct. 10, 2020

Gift of Christmas Toy Drive
Donate a NEW unwrapped toy to the Gift of Christmas Toy Drive.
The Family Violence Prevention Workgroup will accept donations for children to teens for more information, call Monica at (352) 438-5993

Holiday Gift Wrapping Campaign
Have you holiday gifts wrapped by one of our volunteers while you shop at Paddock Mall.
Fri: Dec. 10, 2021 to Dec. 24, 2021Paddock Mall HoursNear Macy's
Annual Toy Drive and Gift Wrapping Event at Paddock Mall
2021 HolidayGift WrapEvent HolidayGift WrapVolunteer Form 2021Gift of ChristmasToy DriveFeatured Event

Break the Silence on Violence Conference
Friday, October 1, 2021 9am-1:00pm
Guest Speakers on Family Violence and Substance Use
- Wambui Bahati-One Act Play "I am Domestic Violence"
- Keynote Speaker:
- Lisa Jaques-Lynn-"Resiliencey is a Muscle"
Become a Volunteer

Join us during our workgroup meetings to find out which opportunity fits you best. Meetings are normally held the 2nd Monday of each month at 11 a.m. at the Sheriff's Office Emergency Operations Center. *Due to Covid-19, we are currently meeting virtually. E-mail your contact information to Monica@breakthesilenceonviolence.org to receive link to join the call.
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